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WE OFFER FOR SALE AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY USED INFLATABLE PANAMERAYACHT PY 90 LIKE NEW DINETTE VERSION LAUNCHED IN THE WATER IN JULY 2022, SUPER SUPER EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC REAR TABLE WHICH ACCOMMODATE 10 PEOPLE WHEN NECESSARY, COMFORTABLE FOR LUNCH AND THEN BECOMES SECO IN A FEW FEW TIMES NDI LARGE SUN DECK, EXTRAFULL DINGHY: ANCHOR in 10Kg stainless steel and galvanized chain, Autoclave, High speed compass, BOW THRUSTER Complete external closed cell cushions External and internal shower in the cabin Navigation lights 2 portholes Windshield General electrical panel 1 retractable boarding ladder Water tank 100 I Fuel tank lx350 I External table with electro-hydraulic foot, Smart Plus winch 5000W Trumpet Built-in Steering wheel Fuel level indicator Gas stove 1 burner Sink Under driver's seat Stainless steel light rod 360° 12 mt-led 12v Automatic bilge pump 2000ghp 12v Pump Bulkhead bilge 4 normal bollards Pair of 12m stainless steel lights - 12 LEDs - Battery switch Gas pistons lift bow hatch Hydraulic steering, BOW THRUSTER, FIBERGLASS ROLLBAR, UNDER LIGHTS, COURTESY LIGHTS FOR THE ENTIRE DINGHY, BATTERY CHARGER WITH 220V SOCKET, VERSION WITH CARBON WHITHE TUBULARS INCLUDING BRAND NEW ENGINES WITH 5 YEARS WARRANTY HONDA LATEST 200HP MODEL